Arriving in St Andrew Square

Granite 8x17x6ft 20.00 tonnes. For sale. Location: St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

Scroll down for short video of the move.

On Sunday 25th April 2010 the Lion of Scotland sculpture left Holyrood Park after four years and made the mile long journey to its new city centre venue at St Andrew Square Garden where it will be exhibited for the next two years.

Despite the pouring rain a crowd cheered as the sculpture was lifted by a huge crane over the canopy of the trees into the Garden. It was not long till the sun came out and the public flocked to engage with it. Already the Lion seems to be at home!

The sculptor wishes to thank Essential Edinburgh for hosting this exhibition, also First State Investments and private sponsors who have helped to finance the move, including support from Harvey Nichols and the City of Edinburgh Council SFC Neighbourhood Roads Team and an excellent job done by Ainscough Cranehire Ltd.

14 thoughts on “Arriving in St Andrew Square”

  1. Dear Ronald Rae,

    I know many people will enjoy your sculpture in St Andrew’s square but we are really sad it has gone from the Queens Park, where it had the company of another lion, sitting next to Arthur’s seat which as everyone knows is not a seat at all, but a serene lion!

    Why has it been moved? Also my daughter and grandson are very upset about this too!! Can we petition to keep him in Edinburgh and at the Queens Park?
    best wishes,

    1. Dear Lorraine
      We are sad too that the Lion had to leave such an appropriate site at Holyrood Park however the Art Committee at the Parliament did not want it there any longer and we had no choice but to move it. The last petition gave the Lion an extra two years at Holyrood. Many people agree with you and think it should eventually be returned there. Another petition might be a good idea. At the moment we just feel glad we have saved it for Edinburgh and have the opportunity to exhibit the sculpture in the leafy St Andrew Square Garden which is only a mile from Holyrood so I hope you and your family will visit the Lion when you can.
      Best regards

  2. Magnificent man..well done Ronald Rae…that Lion in granite is greater than than all the politics
    of the small people of power…{yes I know Ive got a Spartacus complex}…it will be celebrated by Scotland. Shawn Williamson FRSA

  3. A magnificent piece of work from Ronald and I think that the move will help more people realise that great art should move around to be appreciated by more of the public. I empathise with the people around Holyrood for their loss but I also welcome its appearance in St Andrew Square, at least it stays in Edinburgh.

    1. Thank Ian for your kind words. We are pleased too that we have saved the Lion for Edinburgh for another year at least. We hope that someone will buy it for the city so that it can be here forever.

  4. Sitting in Austraila, watching the lion being moved to his new home. We love him where-ever he is.

    ‘You can take the Lion out of Holyrood, but you can’t take Holyrood out of the Lion’

    Good on ya mate – from Jamie

    Love The Andersons & Ashtrophe

    1. Great to know that Lion fans extend to “Down Under!” Ronald Rae’s Lion will always be seen as the symbol of Scotland. Although no longer at Holyrood, in the city square that celebrates our patron saint St Andrew it is beginning to feel at home.

    1. Thank you Malcolm and Lesley. Glad you liked the video. It is always a special day when we move sculpture. The Lion certainly seems to be very popular in the Square.

  5. Hello Mr Rae
    I am so pleased that the beautiful Lion of Scotland had a successful move, and my daughter Megan hopes particularly that it will be happy there. We have recently moved again and as a military family (12 moves up to now!) she knows how unsettling this can be. We lived in Cramond a few years ago and Megan remembers with huge affection standing in awe and seeing you hard at work, firstly on The Lion of Scotland, which she still refers to as ‘Clarence’, and susequently on the Elephant Family the the Heavy Horse and Foal. We have visited a number of your works and enjoyed the experience even more having seen you regularly in Cramond hard and lovingly at work on your creations. Please accept our
    very huge appreciation and thanks. Debra (and Megan)

    1. Thank you, Debra, so much for your lovely email. It means a lot to the sculptor to get feedback from afar. He says to tell your daughter Megan that Clarence – the Lion- is awaiting her return. I will be sharing the progress of the new sculpture on the website and let you know as soon as the stone is delivered.

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