Granite: 3x7x6ft 5.00 tonnes. Location: The Falkirk Wheel. For Sale
Dung Beetle
In Egyptian mythology the dung beetle or scarab rolled the sun across the universe. Rae’s inspiration for this work was the monumental Egyptian scarab in the British Museum. He also has a great admiration for insects – they too are God’s creatures. To quote a bard south of the Border
The sense of death is most in apprehension,
And the poor beetle that we tread upon
In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great
as when a giant dies.
William Shakespeare.
Ronald Rae at The Falkirk Wheel
To see more footage of Ronald Rae with his sculptures at The Falkirk Wheel go to the right margin of this page and under Latest News on Video, click Ronald Rae at his Falkirk Wheel Exhibition Part One, Two and Three.
Wow! Amazing organic sculptures. I love the way they emerge from the stone. Reminds me of the unfinished sculptures of michealangelo!
Thank you Maureen. You couldn’t have given Ronald Rae a bigger compliment! You have made his day!